August 07, 2015

Gaz and Morra Raise Hell, Gin Fest 2015

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Two scenes from T.S. Eliot's Waste Land; a homage to Dante ('The Night Train' and 'At The Gate') and a hymn to the Beat (the opening of 'Beat Music') at a folk festival in a pub garden. You can't say we don't go for it! Making a stand at the Gate with  the poet of the shamrock and the rose ( bruva by anuva muva Anto). As Bruvva Luther once said, we can do no uva

big pics above by Perce Paradise
below by Festival dude kind of in order 
The SAGA louts

Beautiful Days and Paradise
Joe and Mary 
The Fried Pirates

'Gaz and Morra Raise Hell' came to Gin Fest on 8 August 2015. It started as a hastily reconceptualised version of Dr Who Am I and the Zen Trails of Hafiz on 19 July (see below) as 'Heaven and Hell' - two of the three Hafiz astronauts vacated the tardis after 3 months of gruelling training at the last moment (all part of the divine plan) but the trip must go on and it did in the most delightful way - and two weeks later we're back with a high speed version that we think you'll like. We get you from hell eg this  and this to heaven a hell of a lot quicker.

Who's Left?
Who Am I to do this alone?
Show pix by Tony Rafferty.

Right, Morra, so how are we going to do this...?
The Last Bus to Tombland

Up The Kuber Pass,
Shiva's cobra round my neck
The grail maiden Julie provides S and OM sounds
All in the Mind, man. Morra re-finds his inner hippy

All in the Heart. I sing mine out.
Oh heart  of hearts...
Gypsy Smile
Grooving with my down to earth angels.
Do you like Morra's heavenly bowler?
And home..

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